Donnerstag, 3. Januar 2013


Sooooo... New year and all that...

But before we get started, on a side note: You know what's funny? My last post about attractive features holds the record on the highest amount of hits of all my posts so far. WHY AM I NOT SURPRISED? xD

But back to topic.
So we all acknowledge that the world didn't end and we all have to deal with yet a new year, yet a new challenge not to screw up every time you have to write down dates. You can't help but look back, right?

2012 has been quite an interesting year for me, and a year dominated by change.

For instance, I'm living on my very own for the first time... and I'm actually still alive! Eeeverybody seemed to be scared I'd either starve or die from a junk food overdose OR suffocate in my own mess. While my tidyness has not really changed for the better, neither of the food fears have come true. Go me!

The whole moving issue also means I'm pet-less for the first time since I was 18. So sad. Now I can't pretend I'm talking to the cats when I'm actually talking to myself. Bummer. I miss the little buggers soooo much. :(

Also, yours truly, the little Miss Sociopath, got a job working in retail. With people. PEOPLE! Now, since I'm already planning on putting this into its very own post (oh my god it's gonna be so good...) I'm not gonna go into detail. But hey, it's an actual job and not one of the shoot-me-in-the-head dull activities I got paid for so far. So yay!

Talking about work, my pseudo-job as a digital artist has taken quite a spin to a more professional direction, thanks to a friend who apparently believes in what I do. Which is plain awesome. I'm really freaking excited about the things to come in 2013. Stay tuned for some fun things.

There has also been some important change in the overall "people" section.
Basically, it's interesting to see how I got closer to some people I've known for a while, met some very interesting, exciting new folks along the way and pushed others far, far away. And each of these developments has prooven to be good and healthy & I wouldn't have it any other way. It's fair to say that I've become more egoistic in choosing my company, picking only the people that I know are good for me. Bad behaviour? Maybe. But I'd rather be mean and healthy than ever-so-polite and uncomfortable to an extend that makes me mentally vulnerable. I'm also avoiding the drama that comes with certain people because, sorry guys, I have to spend most of my energy on, well, me, and the matters that are actually important.

So... 2013... Where do we go from here?

I'd like to get the whole photography thing back to where it was before 2012 (it has been a slow, slow year on that matter) and also get back to the digital work I've been dodging for the last months.
Also, I'm looking forward to my first paycheck. ;) I'm not gonna start buying random shit just because I can, but it'll surely be nice to be able to get, dunno, maybe an actually working cellphone, haha. I might even get one of these magical gadgets without buttons and all that... :P

And as usual, I'm going to try and make this MY YEAR. The circumstances are good, so look out, 2013, here I come...

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