Just a few minutes ago, while waiting for my train amongst saturday nights drunk leftovers walking past, I found the following campaign on a screen:
Youth against AIDS.
Don't let HIV ruin your dreams.
Use condoms.
It kinda got me thinking. And I know I'm probably making a lot of people hate me with this... But wouldn't the appropriate way to stay healthy of all sorts of STDs in the first place to... not fuck around as much?
I am NOT saying that everybody who ever got HIV is or was a slut, hell no.
But we all agree that jumping from one bed into the other is preeeeetty much exposing you to a much much higher risk, right?
Here's the ugly truth, I'm extremely conservative when it comes to relationships and all that. I honestly believe that to enjoy some nookie, you should be a couple. For more than a few hours.
(Here's the thing. I joke about jumping this and that celebrity a LOT. I say things like "Yeah I'd totally do Hugh Jackman!" just because he's really hot. But you know what? I wouldn't. Because I don't know the guy. It's as simple as that.)
I do NOT get the concept of going out with the fixed plan to get laid by pretty much anyone. At all. It's alien to me.
(Or, for that matter, not plan it but end up going home with a person
just because he/she is willing. That's doggie behaviour: "The food is
here so I'm just gonna eat it, no matter if I'm hungry or not. Because
food is fun, that's why.")
If it's your thing and you want to do it, fine.
But if you want to be all grown up about your sex life, be grown up enough about your health too. This is not even all about morals!
Campaigns like the one I mentioned are made for a reason. Which leads me to another part I don't get, aren't we all smart enough and educated enough to know about proper protection? I mean, really, can a western world teen manage to not know about it? Even the obnoxious teen magazine BRAVO tells you all about it.
So HOW is it they still have to remind everyone?
And if you were too drunk to stop yourself from banging that stranger AND too drunk to know what you're doing, well, maybe you're too immature to have either sex or booze. And especially both at the same time.
And do NOT tell me "It just happens." Here's a hint: IT DOESN'T. It takes a bunch of decision by at least two grown up people, there are things you have to in order to get going, NONE of these things JUST HAPPEN.
I've even heard this: "I had no condoms at home/with me." Jesus Christ. Again, the solution is SO easy: No condoms? DON'T FUCK!
Also, to quote a fun thing I read a while back so we don't end this in an all too somber way:
"If you go home with somebody and they don't own any books - don't fuck with them."
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