Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Happy things, Part I

Sooo I've been told many-a-times that most of what I decide to write down is negative, mocking or just plain mean. It got as far as to people telling me I must have a very negative approach on everything, a cynic view on life itself and a sad, sad soul.


As odd as it may seem, I'm a very cheerfull person. I take bliss from the most normal, small things. There hasn't been a day in my life when I have not laughed out very loud at least once. And it's not just because I was laughing at somebodys misery. :P

So here is proof, a list of things that make me happy. In the spirit of christmas, if you will...

  • Strawberries. Strawberries are the only proof I need to know that there, in fact, IS a mercyfull god. 
  • Art. 
  • falling asleep next to someone you love. 
  • Freckles. 
  • Picknicks. 
  • Books. And anything under 500 Pages is NOT a real book. 
  • Chalk. And Chalkboards. Wheee... 
  • Steampunk. 
  • Inside-beautiful people. Well, outside-beautiful ones too but those are only fun to look at. 
  • Scooby Doo! 
  • Funny people. There should be more actually funny people. 
  • Treats. 
  • The kind of clothes one isn't really supposed to wear outside on a normal day... You know... Like pettycoats and hooded capes and all that. 
  • Whispers. 
  • Jumping into puddles. 
  • Hot Chocolate. 
  • Coffee. With a LOT of cream. 
  • Thunderstorms. 
  • Autumn. 
  • making people smile. 
  • being overly childish every now and then. 
  • Crafting. Manual work. 
  • Audio Books. 
  • The voice of David Draiman. Om nom nom. 
  • Voices in general. Languages. Dialects. TALK to me people. :D 
  • Real kids. The kind that still plays outside and comes home with clothes so dirty they get stiff. 
  • Brothers cooking skills. Madly. 
  • Texas hold'em. 
  • the very first 5 seconds after lying down on a bed with fresh sheets. 
  • being in a disgustingly good mood without any apparent reason. 
  • Trip Hop 
  • XL-Sweaters. Preferredly those belonging to other people. 
  • Couple pictures. I could plaster my room with couple pics. Oh wait, I did that some time back... 
  • Things that look good when set on fire. 
  • DIY 
  • those little momentswhen you're nothing but completely ok with the universe. 
  • Dr. House. 
  • Getting to know new people. I might only like very few of those, but it's still fun to check people out... 
  • the little Bit falling asleep on my back. 
  • Music that screams at me.

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