Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012

Attractive Features?!

Have you ever wondered what makes people attractive to you?

A friend and me just got into that topic a few days back, talking about the things that we go for look-wise.
And I wondered: Of all the people I ever found attractive, how could it be they looked so very different from eachother? There were guys with long hair, short hair, no hair at all, tall ones, smaller ones, the big buffs as well as those who weren't much wider than me... I don't seem to have a definite "type"... or do I?

So what is it we look for?
My friend told me that one thing he has to analyze and approve is the shape of a girls nose. Silly little me, I started laughing at the oddity of this confession. I was very much convinced that my go-to-things were less insane.

Guess what, they're not.

I found myself staring at guys' necklines on an escalator. You know, the shape of the hairline on the neck? And my brain wasn't offering much but "om nom nom nom nom" - allthough I hadn't seen their faces yet. Weird, right?

A female friend of mine once told me that the shape of a guys calfs were hot. Equally weird in my eyes. I personally have never been interested in a guys legs before. :D

Another (male) friend has a thing for collarbones.

Then again, there are the things that seem rather normal to be attractive on males. Dominant cheekbones and a strong jawline. Lower arms with prominent vains. A toned back. An intense eye colour and a cheeky smile. And voices. Oooh yes, voices, deep dark voices with a slight rasping sound to it... Uhm... back to topic...
These things work for me, at least.
 I'm sure the next best person would create a very different list.

But then again, how come there seems to be a thing like "general beauty", making a person seem attractive to a lot of different people at once? I keep thinking about a class from a while back. The teacher was new and I swear, after just the first lecture, 80% of the females who had attended it had a giant crush on him. Including me. But here's the thing, the blushing and giggling girls left and right from me that day might have boyfriends I wouldn't even remotely be interested in if I met them.

This is so confusing. xD

Actually though, I think there -is- a solution for me. Because the similarity I DO find in most people I'd "approve" is this: They all had and have a strong character, they present themselves as confident, they are cheeky and funny. "Wait," you might say, "we were talking about looks!"
Well you know what? I believe confidence shows in your face. So here we go, it IS something pretty visible. And apparently I digg that look. ;)

(On a side note, I think this is what makes some people desirable even if they're - by normal standards - not visually attractive!)

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Happy things, Part I

Sooo I've been told many-a-times that most of what I decide to write down is negative, mocking or just plain mean. It got as far as to people telling me I must have a very negative approach on everything, a cynic view on life itself and a sad, sad soul.


As odd as it may seem, I'm a very cheerfull person. I take bliss from the most normal, small things. There hasn't been a day in my life when I have not laughed out very loud at least once. And it's not just because I was laughing at somebodys misery. :P

So here is proof, a list of things that make me happy. In the spirit of christmas, if you will...

  • Strawberries. Strawberries are the only proof I need to know that there, in fact, IS a mercyfull god. 
  • Art. 
  • falling asleep next to someone you love. 
  • Freckles. 
  • Picknicks. 
  • Books. And anything under 500 Pages is NOT a real book. 
  • Chalk. And Chalkboards. Wheee... 
  • Steampunk. 
  • Inside-beautiful people. Well, outside-beautiful ones too but those are only fun to look at. 
  • Scooby Doo! 
  • Funny people. There should be more actually funny people. 
  • Treats. 
  • The kind of clothes one isn't really supposed to wear outside on a normal day... You know... Like pettycoats and hooded capes and all that. 
  • Whispers. 
  • Jumping into puddles. 
  • Hot Chocolate. 
  • Coffee. With a LOT of cream. 
  • Thunderstorms. 
  • Autumn. 
  • making people smile. 
  • being overly childish every now and then. 
  • Crafting. Manual work. 
  • Audio Books. 
  • The voice of David Draiman. Om nom nom. 
  • Voices in general. Languages. Dialects. TALK to me people. :D 
  • Real kids. The kind that still plays outside and comes home with clothes so dirty they get stiff. 
  • Brothers cooking skills. Madly. 
  • Texas hold'em. 
  • the very first 5 seconds after lying down on a bed with fresh sheets. 
  • being in a disgustingly good mood without any apparent reason. 
  • Trip Hop 
  • XL-Sweaters. Preferredly those belonging to other people. 
  • Couple pictures. I could plaster my room with couple pics. Oh wait, I did that some time back... 
  • Things that look good when set on fire. 
  • DIY 
  • those little momentswhen you're nothing but completely ok with the universe. 
  • Dr. House. 
  • Getting to know new people. I might only like very few of those, but it's still fun to check people out... 
  • the little Bit falling asleep on my back. 
  • Music that screams at me.

Montag, 17. Dezember 2012

Weird World we live in, Part III

Gay marriage.


I'm not going to talk about the thing itself because a) I'm in a horrible rush and b) what the hell do I care? Let folks be happy. Let them have a big, big party. For the heck of it. I'm not particularely anti or pro.

But I just had an epiphany out of freaking nowhere and had to share it haha.
The catholic church tells us that gay marriage isn't right and can thereby not be done or God will smite us all dead or some such bullshit. So no equal rights and bla bla bla.


Hey, Pope, I'm really sorry to tell you, but your club didn't INVENT marriage. o.O People bonded for life waaaay before you came along.*
And since as far as I know, state and church are still two different things, who the fuck are you to say that YOUR kind of marriage is the only kind that should be accepted by the laws of the STATE?

I'm probably getting something terribly wrong, esp. since I never really thought the whole thing through, but this thought is going to be stuck in my head untill somebody explains it all to me.

As of right now, this is not even remotely structured. Maybe I'll get back to it later. Probably not though.

(*Joseph and Maria were married, right? They had to have been right? Otherwise, wouldn't Maria have been in big, BIG trouble? Oh wait, yeah, the immaculate conception thing... ... ...
Wait a minute, I feel another epiphany coming my way.......................... xD)

With that, I'm off to work.
I'll just let YOU deal with the mayhem of this entry.

Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

It's a weird world we live in, Part II

Just a few minutes ago, while waiting for my train amongst saturday nights drunk leftovers walking past, I found the following campaign on a screen:

Youth against AIDS.
Don't let HIV ruin your dreams.

Use condoms.

It kinda got me thinking. And I know I'm probably making a lot of people hate me with this... But wouldn't the appropriate way to stay healthy of all sorts of STDs in the first place to... not fuck around as much?
I am NOT saying that everybody who ever got HIV is or was a slut, hell no.
But we all agree that jumping from one bed into the other is preeeeetty much exposing you to a much much higher risk, right?

Here's the ugly truth, I'm extremely conservative when it comes to relationships and all that. I honestly believe that to enjoy some nookie, you should be a couple. For more than a few hours.


(Here's the thing. I joke about jumping this and that celebrity a LOT. I say things like "Yeah I'd totally do Hugh Jackman!" just because he's really hot. But you know what? I wouldn't. Because I don't know the guy. It's as simple as that.)

I do NOT get the concept of going out with the fixed plan to get laid by pretty much anyone. At all. It's alien to me.
(Or, for that matter, not plan it but end up going home with a person just because he/she is willing. That's doggie behaviour: "The food is here so I'm just gonna eat it, no matter if I'm hungry or not. Because food is fun, that's why.")
If it's your thing and you want to do it, fine.
But if you want to be all grown up about your sex life, be grown up enough about your health too. This is not even all about morals!
Campaigns like the one I mentioned are made for a reason. Which leads me to another part I don't get, aren't we all smart enough and educated enough to know about proper protection? I mean, really, can a western world teen manage to not know about it? Even the obnoxious teen magazine BRAVO tells you all about it.

So HOW is it they still have to remind everyone?

And if you were too drunk to stop yourself from banging that stranger AND too drunk to know what you're doing, well, maybe you're too immature to have either sex or booze. And especially both at the same time.
And do NOT tell me "It just happens." Here's a hint: IT DOESN'T. It takes a bunch of decision by at least two grown up people, there are things you have to in order to get going, NONE of these things JUST HAPPEN.
I've even heard this: "I had no condoms at home/with me." Jesus Christ. Again, the solution is SO easy: No condoms? DON'T FUCK!

Also, to quote a fun thing I read a while back so we don't end this in an all too somber way:
"If you go home with somebody and they don't own any books - don't fuck with them."